Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Just the other day, I was at the North Pond and I saw a Beaver! It was (justifiably) skittish, but it seemed to be rather medium sized, and very busy! I am interested in arranging a public meeting to discuss government action to secure the Beavers place in Lincoln Park.

Also, I found these articles about a beaver in New York City!

Apparently THEY think that a beaver in the middle of the city is special, and worth protecting!

I found a book by Scott Holingue called Tales from an Urban Wilderness published in 1994 that chronicles the North Pond and has 3 pages about a beaver in the pond! Wow, maybe the beaver in the North Pond today had family in the pond back in 1994?


Rick Lanman said...

Stoker, the beaver are definitely back! There is a new lodge on the northwest bank a few months old. So far I hear it is being tolerated but some of us have written the Lincoln Park Conservancy (Susan Fargo) and Chicago Park District (Becky Schillo) urging them to protect and not relocate them as they have many times before (so the strategy is obviously not working).
Did you post the photos on the Lincoln Park Beaver facebook page? I'd like to post them on Wikipedia which has been actively following the LPB story - see and . My email is

Rick Lanman said...

I just reached Lindsay Fox and she gave me permission to use the photos - look for them on Wikipedia shortly!